What is the best lower abdominal workout for six pack abs?
The internet is full of false claims about achieving six pack abs. Show determination, work hard and be disciplined in your approach to training and you will burn off bellyfat. Our lower ab exercises are designed to build six pack abs quick. Our abdominal workout combined with a good high protein low carb diet and a cardio workout and rest days will burn that unwanted belly fat. A gym membership is not needed. The way you train other muscles and abs is no different go for differing angles and speed. Our best lower abdominal workout for six pack abs is designed specifically to impart maximum intensity on the abs.
The Essential Warm-up
Warming up prior to every weight training session is a must.The warm up aids blood circulation and warms the ligaments and tendons. You will find if you warm up thoroughly that you can actually lift heavier weights without the constant concern of muscle injury. Lets take a look at those hot ab exercises.
Exercise 1 Ab Blasting Crunch
Forget normal crunches lets get advanced for greater results
Lie on the floor in the Crunch position, knees bent, hands over ears, or resting on the back of the head.
Raise up using your ab power 10 inches and hold the position for 6 seconds. In this fully contracted position, squeeze the abs hard. Then still keeping the tension on the abs return slowly and in a controlled fashion to the starting position, this should take 5 seconds. Repeat until failure. Rest 30 seconds and finish with normal crunches.
Exercise 2 Hanging Leg Raises
Hanging Leg Raises are a superb exercise for building the lower abdominals.
Hang from a chining, arms extended with a shoulder width grip.Raise your legs knees together to chest level and tense your abs with no swinging. Tense the abs hard while holding this position for 5 seconds. Slowly lower your legs and repeat. {You get maximum results by doing at least 10 reps}.
Exercise 3 Pulley Rope Crunch
This exercise is my favorite for blasting those six pack abs.
With the rope attached to the high pulley on the cable machine, grab one end of it with both hands. Pull the rope down tensing your abs as you do so, until you are kneeling on the floor with your hands positioned just above your head, ensure that your hands stay firmly locked in this position. Pull down using your abs by bending forward at the waist all the way to the floor, squeeze your abs hard then slowly return to the starting position keeping your abs tensed all the way. Aim for 10 reps. These lower ab exercises will build you solid six pack abs.
This website can show you the best lower ab workouts for building six pack abs to burn off unwanted bellyfat to reveal those six pack abs! Get started now.