I forgot to mention in my last post about the possible cure for acid reflux that Apple cider vinegar might also help skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
I guess it’s because taking vinegar regularly, as described in my last post, might change your bodies PH and that in turn helps skin conditions and other disorders.
I do happen to suffer from eczema and psoriasis. I have psoriasis on my hands (the knuckles) and a large spot on my right wrist that’s been there for abut 10 years. I’ve been taking the Apple cider vinegar for about three weeks now and not only has it helped my acid reflux but that unsightly spot on my right wrist (it really is UGLY) is getting better. It’s smaller and less angry looking.
Is it the vinegar? I don’t know, but in all the time that spots been on the top of my wrist nothing has helped it and now suddenly it’s getting better. So maybe it is the vinegar.