I have an appointment next week with my family / pain doctor. I see her pretty much every single month.
Considering that I have a chronic disease that causes me a lot of pain and discomfort I guess it sort of makes sense that I see her on a monthly basis, but sometimes it’s the last thing in the world I want to do.
One thing that I used to the every time I went to see this doctor was that she’d always make me jump on the scales each and every visit.
Until recently my weight hadn’t changed – not in about a year and a half … so I just didn’t understand why she was so fixated on weighing me on a monthly basis. It didn’t make sense. I guess it was just something she did each visit as part of her routine?
Now I don’t mind getting weighed each month because in the last two months I’ve lost something like 18 pounds thanks to a migraine medication that I started taking at the end of August. I don’t weight myself at home so the weigh ins at the doctors let me know how much more I’ve lost between visits. If and when the weight loss stops I’m going to tell her to stop weighing me so much though because I really do hate getting weighed every month.