I don’t know why I’m having skin troubles. I don’t know if it’s because it’s cooler here now and the furnace is on a lot so the air is dry and that’s irritating my skin, or if something else is causing problems.
I did start some new medications in the last few months – perhaps they are wrecking havoc with my skin? Either way … I need to find some way to control my skin problem. My skin will be ok for a few days or so and then I’ll break out on one side of my face or in a particular area. Right now it’s at the corner of my right jaw just in front of my ear. It’s itchy – like hives or an allergic reaction, but I know it will turn into blemishes. Strange eh?
I’d like to find some kind of natural acne treatment since my skin is so sensitive to chemicals.
Does your skin react oddly like mine has been? I’m really starting to think that my skin problems start as allergic reactions and then turn into blemishes. Perhaps I should be watching what I eat and drink as well.