Tee Tree Oil is well known for its fabulous range of uses and is known for being a natural antiseptic. Part of what makes this sought-after product so appealing is its wide range of uses. It can be used for aromatherapy in the treatment of alleviating headaches and colds, fungal infections, bacterial infections, cleaning, relief for a dry and itchy scalp, lice, acne, and minor cuts. It has also has found its niche in the use of facial cleansers, soaps and topical treatment. Its natural purifying characteristics make it a smart choice in using it as a daily skin regime. It is gentle in getting rid of impurities and takes care of excess oil without drying out the skin leaving it looking clear of skin flaws. Getting control over excess oil is crucial to preventing future breakouts and luckily you have the power to take such control in your skin routine.
Tee Tree Oil comes from leaves that grow on a tea tree in Australia. As an anti-fungal agent, it keeps bacteria from penetrating skin. No bacteria means no acne, no fungal infections, no athlete’s foot and that’s good news for anyone. There is also a softer side to Tea Tree Oil as it works to soothe existing acne conditions. If looking to treat blemishes, oily skin, bacteria or fungal infections, look for Tea Tree Oil with terpinen-4-ol which contains antiseptic characteristics that treat those skin ailments.
Available in health care stores, online and beauty-supply stores, Tea Tree Oil can be used to calm other existing skin conditions such as boils, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, insect bites, sunburns, and heal minor wounds. We could mention more, but don’t want to run out of space. It plays a large role in skin rejuvenation, which means healthy skin and healthy skin makes you smile. In addition to ingredients, packaging is important to take into consideration as well. Tea Tree Oil that comes in brown glass is not affected by sunlight which can break down the working elements of Tea Tree Oil. Be somewhat wary if it comes mixed with eucalyptus or peppermint oil which makes the powerful action of Tea Tree Oil less effective.
More and more, the use of Tea Tree Oil is taking precedence in uses for treatment over benzoyl peroxide, especially in the treatment for blemishes, simply because Tea Tree Oil is a more sensitive solution when it comes to side effects. It doesn’t over dry the skin, creating irritation and itchiness (that you can do without) and won’t leave a stinging or burning sensation that benzoyl peroxide can sometimes cause (because no one enjoys that feeling).
Tea Tree’s bacteria fighting elements eradicates can and is applicable in healing a long list of skin imperfections. Doubling as a toner, Tea Tree Oil evens out skin tone to achieve a smooth, bright complexion. It’s all natural ingredients is not only good for your face, its results will leave you feeling good about yourself and your skin.
This article was brought to you by the skin care experts at DorMauri.com.