It looks like we’re going to be having house guests again in about a month. My husbands brother is going to be coming for a visit from Chicago. Just for the weekend … but it will feel like a week. LOL
When my husband and his brother get together it gets really loud and smelly in here! My brother in law smokes roll your own cigarette and occasionally a cigar … I think he smokes tatuaje cigars but whatever they are, along with the cigarettes … that’s all my house smells of for a week or so after he’s left.
My husband and I smoke as well, but Canadian cigarettes don’t smell quite as much as American ones do. Oh don’t get me wrong I know they smell, but there’s a distinct smell to American cigarettes and cigars.
My brother in law knows he’s not supposed to smoke his cigars or cigarettes in the house. He can smoke our cigarettes … but not his. Still .. after a few drinks and when my husband and him get going out comes those stinky things and I’m stuck with the smell. Grrrr
So how do you get the scent of cigars and cigarettes out of a home? I’d love some good ideas. I put out little dishes with diluted white vinegar and that helps a bit, but not enough. Suggestions?
I would go to the drugstore and look for “smell sprays”… then spray so much citrus or sumthing that you don’t smell american cigs anymore 🙂
I guess I should have said I was looking for a natural way to get rid of the awful smell. I have a huge problem with artificial scents – they give me asthma and or major migraines and most of those sprays are full of synthetic scents.
Maybe a natural citrus spray might work. I mentioned vinegar because it’s known for helping get rid of bad smells and I’ve used it before … but I was hoping to find something that worked better or faster … yet didn’t drive my sensitivities nuts. LOL