I know that the economy is supposed to be getting better, but we’re still feeling the crunch here.
I’ve been off work, on medical leave, for over five years now. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long, but my Crohn’s disease just won’t settle down. I wish it would! I’m an ER nurse and believe it or not, I love my job.
My husband also works in the hospital. He’s an OR day surgery attendant. Unfortunately … the hospital is over budget this year and my husband has to go through 3 sets of rolling layoffs. He’s already had his first two weeks off do to these lay offs and he’s going to have to be off work for two weeks in March and June.
That’s going to hit us hard.
I do make some money via the internet as I have a number of blogs and websites and I allow advertising on them, so it’s not like I’m not bringing in any income while I’m on medical leave, but we need my husbands salary to round out things and keep us afloat.
I’m sure we’re not the only ones in this position.
My husband has started to think about trying to find a job that he can do on the weekends or evenings. Many many years ago he used to work part time for catering companies – as a bartender and or waiter. He made pretty good money doing that and the tips were great so he might look into getting back into that – especially for the four weeks that he’s going to be laid off in the coming months.
He also has been a guitar player since he was nine. He’s very good and he also plays 13 other instruments. He’s often thought about teaching others to play guitar so he’s trying to find a way to get some students.
Are times tough in your area? Have you been thinking of ways to make some extra money? Perhaps you’re working two or more jobs?
I’d love to hear how you’re getting by in this tough economy.
You know what worked for me? Listing my services as a writer, a handyman, and a dog walker, on Craigslist. I don’t mind doing any of these things and I just thought I’d take a shotgun approach and see what works. It turns out that people contact me for all 3 activities, especially handyman. I don’t know if I can quit my day job yet, but it has been a nice income supplement.