There’s a lot of cars parking on our street lately. I think it’s because so many people are renting either their homes or rooms in their homes. Naturally each renter seems to have a car so each house has multiple cars and the street has become overcrowded with parked cars.
Our street, or actually the street across from us is also one of the only ones in the area that people can park in without having to have a permit so people that don’t live on the block park here regularly too. One of the people that doesn’t belong on the street, who tends to park and right in front of my house is a van that has a logo for hayward pool heater parts on it. I’ve only been seeing it in the last month or so, but it’s been here regularly. Last fall it was a deck company.
Does your street get a lot of parking on it too? Does it bother you? I don’t mind as long a I can find parking. Every second month we have our shared driveway and then on the odd months we park on the street, but usually we’re ok parking wise.
We live in one of the condos downtown Austin and the parking space is spacious and we seldom have problems with parking. I guess with your situation, I’ll really get upset if I won’t have any space for my car. I think it’s best to find a permanent parking space somewhere in that area so all will know that it’s your spot. Maybe, if it’s permitted, you could also place a sign saying that it’s reserved for you.