I’ve been very lazy about taking pictures lately. Actually, it’s not just lately … I think it started sometime last fall.
I have a photoblog that I barely post in anymore. I also have a lovely garden that I used to take tons of photos of – macros of flowers in bloom, seed heads and so on … but I don’t think I’ve pulled out one of my digital cameras in at least a month.
I still enjoy taking photos, but I think it’s processing them on the computer that I don’t like. I have quite a few – maybe 300 or 400 photos – from things that we did in June and photos of our flowers blooming that are sitting in folders on my computer waiting to be cropped and then uploaded to my Flickr account.
Do you ever get lazy about taking photos when you to parties or interesting events? Or are you like me – you take the pictures, but don’t do anything with them once they’re uploaded on to your computer?
I’ve got to get out of this funk .. I think I take pretty good photographs and I should be at least including a few on each of my blogs.
Yes you should! I have the same regrets and I think about past experiences and wish I had the camera!