I think that after you reach a certain age, say mid-thirties onward, it becomes harder to lose those extra pounds. I’m struggling myself to lose at least five pounds and I seem to have stalled.
Oddly enough as I try to lose those stubborn last pounds I keep getting emails with appetite suppressant reviews ironic isn’t it?
One thing that I’ve come across recently is Apple Cider vinegar. I’ve suffered from terrible acid reflux for years. It gives me a terrible pain in my chest – bad enough that I imagine it’s what a heart attack feels like!
I’ve tried all kinds of prescription and over the counter medications to reduce acid or form barriers so my esophagus doesn’t get damaged from all the acid and nothing totally takes it away.
A few weeks ago I was having a really bad time with my acid reflux. I kept having attack after attack and nothing was helping. Then as I searched on the internet for something that would help I came across a few sites that talked about how Apple Cider vinegar had really helped a lot of people with acid reflux.
I know – it sounds terrible!
However I was desperate and since I happened to have some apple cider vinegar i decided to give it a try. I put about a capful of vinegar in a glass of water and about 15 minutes later that awful gnawing pain in my stomach went away or at least almost went away. It certainly died down a lot. Since it seemed to help I started using an organic unfiltered brand of apple cider vinegar at least twice a day in a glass of water and I’ve only had one or two mild attacks of acid reflux since. I’ve been doing it for three weeks now.
The theory for the vinegar is that if it helps you, you might actually be suffering from too little acid in your stomach rather than too much.
Another reason why I brought up the Apple cider vinegar is because it’s also said that it’s an appetite suppressant and a fat burner. I do think my appetite is a little less after I take it, but that could be the extra glass of water. LOL
I’ll keep you posted as to whether i start losing those stubborn extra 5 pounds without really changing much else in my daily routine or eating habits. BTW I do eat healthy low fat foods – all in moderation. No big meals so there isn’t too much else I can change with my diet.
I also think that after a certain age, you are kind of “stuck”. But I think it also depends of one´s morphology.
Anyway the most important is to feel fine in its head, right?