Now that winter is here I find that I’m not getting as much exercise as I was when the weather was nicer. I really have to work on some kind of indoor routine that will help me stay in shape during the winter months.
I do have some fitness equipment that I use occasionally. I have an elliptical machine upstairs in one of our very tiny small bedrooms, and I also have a balance ball, and some small hand and leg weights that I use when I’m exercising to a fitness DVD or with my Wii.
The trouble is I don’t do it as often as I should. I guess I prefer getting my exercise outdoors. You know, taking long walks with the dog, biking, swimming, or even doing yard work or work in the garden. Believe me, when I garden it’s exercise as I spend hours working in the garden beds at a time!
What do you do for exercise in the winter? Do you go to a gym or work out at home or does your routine falter like mine once the weather outside turns bad?
What about going and walking around the mall for a few hours like the mallwalkers do? (Just don’t stop at the foodcourt.)